Goodbye Tomate, hello November.
Goodbye Tomate, hello November.
Hi! How’s the Summer going? I am writing this monthly blog later than usual on purpose. But first…press play on the playlist. Pretty please! 🙂 I am on a car driving (well, not me right now) towards Paris. Yes, I’m finally going to be staying in France for a while. The thing is, I couldn’t find the time to write this post at home. But when you know you are going to be travelling…
I have amazing news! A limited amount of copies of our new album is for sale NOW!! Go buy it before i’s too late 🙂 I am so happy that some fortunate souls will get it before everyone else in February! We worked so freaking hard for this one. You are taking a little piece of each of us to your home. I am incredibly grateful and happy. It’s time to celebrate, right? Well, there’s always something to…
A year ago I was involved in a car accident. It was very scary mainly for three reasons: 1) It happened in France and I was supposed to arrive in London for our tour the next day. 2) Carlos tried to avoid the car from crashing four times, but the ice made it impossible to stay on the road. 3) The car got out of the road and turned on one side, making it incredibly difficult to get out of…
Here’s a video of how I get ready and What I Eat In a Day (Plant-based and Gluten-Free) being a musician. Have Fun and Keep Fooding!