Getting ready for the Christmas Season: food, recipes and life update.
Hey there! You missed me? I guess not. But anyway, I’ll keep writing here as often as I please. My house, my rules. I want to talk to you a little bit about Christmas recipes, food I’ve been eating and a little life update. But first, here’s the playlist for November as I haven’t crafted my Christmas list yet. Start listening before you dig in.
These past months have been a bit of a reset (mentally) for me. I’ve been working on my main project mostly. I mean music. We’ve been working on the next album and on the first single specifically, recording a music video and all that jazz.

It’s funny how I do a thousand different things all year in many areas, but music itself includes a thousand different things within its real and needs my undivided attention.

That’s why I’ve been a bit absent during these months. Also, I’ve been trying to prioritize fun and rest when I wasn’t on extra focus mode.

Anyway…if you are truly curious about what’s been happening in my life, I’ve been posting vlogs on my youtube channel, so you can watch them if you want.

Appart from working on my next album, I’ve been eating quite differently as I used to. After my injury, I’ve been craving more vegetables and carbs than fats and protein in general. It’s curious how the body changes its habits so quickly.

My injury is so much better now I have a daily Yoga and Pilates practice again. Do I miss running on Saturdays? Yes, I’m not going to lie. But the body needs things my mind needs to give it. I’ll run again in time

Changing the subject, Christmas is coming. Yes, I am already preparing the menu. This year I want to try new things, and also I’ve been thinking about embroidering my own Christmas napkins.

I love Christmas in case you didn’t notice. I actually don’t get all the hate adults usually express surrounding Christmas. I don’t fall into consumerism and capitalism when I celebrate the season. I like to celebrate everything for the sake of celebrating and tradition, that’s all.

Here you have one recipe that I love to celebrate Christmas:

And before I say goodbye, I hope you’ve been enjoying your life lately. Let me know either way if you want. Hope you have a wonderful rest of the year and may 2025 bring you all the happiness you deserve.

Have fun and keep fooding!