Rest and Reset: Transitioning from August to September + September playlist 

Tune into the playlist while you read. It makes the experience better
So, let’s start with August. What happened in August? First of all, I spent it at home. Which is kind of a relieve, taking into account the amount of travelling I’ve been doing in June and July.

August was a warm month, although being in Galicia made it easier. As every year, I really look forward to our own version of Comic-con, Viñetas desde o Atlántico. This year I found a new artist I really liked like Alicia Jaraba.

Got my hype levels incredibly high when I learnt Borja González (my latest graphic novel crush) was coming too. I might have been a little too fangirl when I met him. I just found out about him at the end of June, whilst in Sevilla. I have a great excuse.
I’ve been drawing a lot lately and being able to go back to these kind of events always tastes better when your intention is in balance with what you are experiencing.

I also read a manga by Fidel de Tovar and Dani Bermúdez. They are from Barcelona and they brought me back to my passion for Japanese culture, even if the comic is based in Barcelona. For a time in my life I read a lot of manga. I’m glad there’s people here doing these genre (even if manga really means “comic” in Japanese, we all know what we mean by manga here, don’t be too judgy if you know Japanese ).

But I’m getting ahead of myself because the month started with food.

I got invited to Camelle to eat at their annual celebration. Each village has a yearly celebration. In Galicia we have a lot of fiestas de pueblo, which will translate to something like “village festival”.

You know I never say no to food. Having company is good too . I met Bruno again. One of Carlos’s aunt’s dog. He’s always barking because he’s very nervous, but I got him to chill by getting into the floor and cuddling him.

I believe we all need some cuddling when we are nervous, or angry or anxious. Love is always the perfect medicine.

So apart from the food they gave me at the party, this month I also cooked some delicious plant-based meatballs that I loved. I forgot to write down the recipe. I must make them again and see if I get a great recipe to share.

This month was basically drawing, cooking, eating…

But I also found time to eat some icecream

And immerse in nature.

Carlos and I also did something we’ve been postponing for too long. Busking.

It’s funny how long it’s been, but at the same time it feels like time hasn’t passed.

One of those busking days happened in Vigo. Which means Kero.

I visited Mr. Perret and he gave us a preview of the upcoming menu. Spoiler Alert…everything was amazing. Especially this “Tomates Bonitos” which means beautiful tomatoes, but it’s a play on words because bonito is a Northern variety of tuna in Spanish: Thunnus alalunga. I might have given the name to the dish .
But enough of scientific data, we want the gossip.

I remember my favourite part of the busking sessions used to be having fun in the cities afterwards.

I’ve changed a lot since last time we did a mini-tour around those places after busking. The feeling was different but at the same time it was the same.

Does that happen to you too? Whenever there’s been a while since you’ve done something and you have an idea of how that was. Then you do it again and you don’t really get the same feeling.

That’s not because everything has changed, although it may have something to do with that. The fact is that you have evolved into a different human being. That’s good.

I always try to enjoy August before September comes. Don’t get me wrong…I don’t really like Summer that much. I’m an Autumn girl.

The thing is, September has a quite different energy from August. It’s Virgo month and I really believe that’s why we all start working again and organising ourselves in September.

Just to clarify, I never stop working . But in August I try to be less scheduly and a little bit more go-with-the-flowy.

But this year, I started organising myself in August to avoid feeling overwhelmed in September. Right after a birthday party with too many desserts…

And a very cute (and old) yellow car.

I am really looking forward to the last part of the year. I know good things are coming. I feel it, I smell it.

I have many things I am working on at the same time, but not multi-tasking, each one has it’s own space, mindfully. I am really looking forward to share them with you through my new webpage. So, if you speak Spanish or want to learn the language…go subscribe in order to get all the good things.
I hope your month of August was balanced and fun. If you are already working again, enjoy your job and if you’re still vacaying, enjoy your time.

Translation: enjoy life, period. Have fun and keep fooding!
Let me know about you through Instagram how’s life going. I love connecting with all of you Love!