A blog on food, travelling, music and illustration. August 2022: Barcelona.
I’ve been travelling a lot for the last month and a half. It seems like it’s been ages since I wrote the last summary. It’s August 2022. I just came back from Barcelona. What’s happening in my life? Well, first of all I’m in a library and the mood is perfect for the August playlist. I forgot my headphones, but you can click play while I write
It seems like its been so long because travelling in space seems to have an effect on the time and how it flows. Whenever I’m outside, it looks like time moves in a different speed, but then you come back and you realize time passed and it feels so weird, yet at the same time…absolutely wonderful.

I ended June in Sevilla, July was for Barcelona. Remember last year when I was in Paris? Well, this year something similar happened, I went to Barcelona to petsit a beautiful couple of cats.

But the month didn’t actually start in Barcelona, I had a couple of weeks since I came from Sevilla until I left for Barcelona. I had the chance to cuddle my own roomies and to do a couple of laundry loads. As well as close a gig in Morriña Fest that made me come back from Barcelona and go back again (more on that later)

It still feels weird how fast the music industry is moving. What usually took people months, now it’s just a matter of days. I wish it had been like that years ago, now…I’m more into doing things differently. But playing is always good for me.

Those two weeks of semi-peace before travelling became a quest for returning to the pottery wheel. I missed it so much. I still have to bake some glazed pieces but I think I don’t do it because I’m afraid they won’t turn out ok. Me, the fearless “I don’t care about the result, I care about the process”. Yes, sometimes I care and feel a bit paralyzed. Also, the fact of travelling with unfinished pottery makes me tremble. Maybe that’s my real fear.

So here I was, minding my own business, and the 9th came and I took a train to Barcelona. My suitcase was full of stuff for creative purposes. I carried two big pencil cases.

One thing I really missed while I stayed in the city was my morning walks in nature.

I guess I was craving drawing, because my trip to Barcelona this time didn’t focus around food. Although I tried many things, I structured my days in Life Drawing Sessions.

Eba and Paz, the human companions of Hache and Mika (the cats), had to leave soon to Norway, but we got the chance to catch up a little. Even though it was a very difficult time for Eba, we got to celebrate in a Mexican restaurant. These tacos de nopales and this dessert were the perfect flavour for my michelada!

Then, when they left, I made their house mine. That means: cat cuddling and using their leftovers and kitchen as if they were mine.

Overall, my stay in Barcelona was focused on art. Not only illustration, but also visiting art galleries and bookshops.

I actually fell in love with one bookstore in particular: La Central. I went a couple of times, one of them to a book presentation with Marina Porras and Marta Pera.

In between galleries and books, painting, drawing and meeting people… I had four doctor appointments It’s obvious that I know how to take advantage of my time. Good news: everything is even better than it was. Also, my myopia dropped again. Here’s my celebratory selfie:

I walked so much this month that I wonder if that, and drinking 3 litres of water, made me feel so light and agile. Even though the hot and humid weather made me sleep 2-hour naps (still on it, sorry not sorry) and crave ice-cream like crazy, the feeling was light.

I guess the 2-hour naps are justified because I crossed the country by train 6 times in one month. I love travelling, but you know…I’m human. So I succumbed to those delicious Matcha Bubble teas I fell in love with. After trying them years ago and hating them, I discovered the trick was…no sugar.

One day, I saw a poster of a music festival and made a little research. There I found Anna Andreu. I liked her music and then went to see her play live. I was happily surprised to see their band concept is similar to mine: guitar, drums and vocals. I actually talked to Marina for a while, the drummer, and told her I had been thinking about buying some of the toys she was using. I went home with a signed album and a lot of beautiful memories in my mind. They were so lovely.

One of my favourite places in cities, especially when the weather is hot, are libraries. I ended up visiting them and drawing while taking a look at graphic novels.

And then, I crossed the country to go play in my hometown.

I saw some old schoolmates whose kids are bigger than me now, others who have tiny new kids too. It’s so weird for me to see people with kids that used to be teenagers with me. I know it’s life and normal, but it’s weird that they have tiny people living with them. Just saying.

During the 24 hours that I spent home, my neighbour gave me this giant lettuce. Now I can call myself Lady Lechuga.

Then, I went back to Barcelona. I still had some doctor’s appointments to attend, preparing myself for some tests (which meant going on a very weird diet for me, no fibre) and visit a couple more exhibitions.

The temporary exhibition at Caixa Forum about Jean Paul Gaultier and Cinema, was a good one to visit. I got a Press Pass, the girl insisted that I was press. I’m glad she did, but I’d pay for visiting the exhibition gladly, it was interesting and I really love drawing fashion.

Actually, some days before I went to see the Museu del Disseny, where there were garments too. I spent more than two hours drawing them.

And in between, I had some time to eat. I only ate pa amb tomàquet once though |extreme face palm here|

I still can’t believe myself for that. But, in my defence, I ended up eating at home most days because it was incredibly hot outside.

Except for that day that Blanca invited me to see her new house and made me a vegan burger

What I usually did was taking a bubble tea before my Life Drawing Sessions.

And another one…

Barcelona felt very different this time. Like if there was another face that I needed to see by myself.

I’ve travelled a lot throughout my life, but never alone. It felt so great.

I actually thought about the fact that I’ve always defined myself as an extrovert. Being alone in a different place made me remember that I am not.

Although I love talking to people, and meeting new friends all over the globe, I am a balanced intro-extrovert. I need alone time to function more than many people.

I remember when I was a kid, I chose to be on my own in the playground. Singing to myself. My sister used to worry and come talk to me because she felt sorry for me not being with friends. I started playing with other people more often so she didn’t have to worry, but I actually have a vivid memory of my alone moments in my fist years of school, singing to myself and walking. I still pretty much do the same now. Those are my me-moments. I completely forgot how good they feel.

But I wasn’t alone in Barcelona at all. There were people, there were cats, it’s just…I travelled alone. I just met people there. That’s a different feeling.

I know I deviated a lot from food, a little bit on purpose, because I needed some rest. I need rests from everything. Actually the non-fibre diet made a reset in my belly and made me feel much better. I can still feel it today, more than two weeks after. Nonetheless, I was craving fibre like crazy. One of my favourite meals was the celebration of the end of the non-fibre era. Honest Greens was my choice.

Oh! And I almost forget to mention the amazing bagels at BagelHood. I took some home for the following days, but I couldn’t resist making one with brie and jalapeños to eat there.

And of course, my favourite place in Barcelona. En Aparté:
Even though I wasn’t in the mood for exercising as I usually do. I kept walking everywhere, which is my favourite way of exercising. My feet ached, but I couldn’t care less. I was so freaking lucky that on a Saturday morning, when I go for a run, it got cloudy. I felt like the universe wanted me to run and appreciated me getting up early. Thanks!

So, I guess I’ll be wrapping thing up. My trip to Barcelona was a journey to my passions and to myself.

I enjoyed the food and the art, and made some art of my own.

When I came back I didn’t miss anything except the walks and the Life Drawing sessions. Although many people keeps suggesting I belong in the city, I feel like there’s no place like the countryside in Galicia. I won’t limit myself and I’ll keep travelling, but for now…Galicia is where I base my living.

I will probably miss walking around the Sagrada Familia at night when I got back from drawing and walking for hours.

I will miss those beautiful flowers I found one day on the street.

I will miss those lovely pink and white tiles on that ice-cream shop.

But I am grateful I came back, recharged, with many projects on my mind. Ready to start again. Going to Ikea to have meetings with Carlos while having breakfast.

Reading new Graphic Novels I pick in my favourite library while talking to Sira, the one and only that gets my passion for a very specific type of Graphic Novels.

Arriving just the last day to enjoy Feira das Marabillas during a quick walk.

Running near home and finding little treasures.

And many more memories that are yet to come.

Have a great month of August. If you are travelling, enjoy your journey and try to find those little moments of peace and quiet. Hydrate yourself and walk. Get lost in wherever place you are at. When you find yourself again, you’d be a different version of yourself, a happier one.

Have fun and keep fooding!