Hey there! I bring you Julyā€™s playlist. This time I would have had a perfect excuse for delaying myself because I was in Sevilla for a long weekend (Thursday to Tuesday) last week. But as I consider you as good friends who love good news, Iā€™m excited to talk about it, together with all that happened thoughout June. But first, grab a coffee or tea and hit the play button šŸ˜‰

For me, June feels like a false January. Actually thereā€™s many times in the year that resemble the beginning of the year. In June I tweak my resolutions, take a look at whatā€™s working and what I need to change and also, I take a look back and think about all of the things Iā€™ve worked on and focus on the progress Iā€™ve made so far. 

Itā€™s so important to take a look back with an open mind. Perspective gives you everything you need to keep going. Sometimes we get stuck in the ā€œIā€™m not doing good right now, so I havenā€™t made any progressā€. Thatā€™s so untrue most of the times. 

Iā€™m not a fan of comparing, not even to myself. Iā€™m also convinced that true happiness comes from living in the present moment, but even so those things give us perspective. The past and comparisons make you see what happened when the present moment doesnā€™t feel so good. 

Home made pizza in a home made wood oven šŸ’™

But enough on goals and all that. My June seemed to start moving a lot by the second half. I had a concert at O Son do CamiƱo that had to be postponed for 2 years because of the Pandemic. Yes, two years. I remember when this started, everyone kept asking: ā€œBut you donā€™t miss the gigs youā€™ve got already closed, right?ā€ And we saidā€¦ā€Well, weā€™ll do them eventually, but weā€™re kind of missing the whole thing of working and making a living. So yes and no.ā€

Itā€™s amazing that in two years, appart from our families, only two people have asked us THE question ā€œHow do you manage to live with all that is happening?ā€ Itā€™s incredible how we artists struggle, but it seems like we donā€™t because we love the job we do (at least the artistic part of it). Itā€™s tough, people. But nevermind.

Coffee break

So yes, we didnā€™t miss that chance of playing there. Yay! The other 4 gigs we had booked in 2020 got cancelled because they couldnā€™t keep going because of covid. The music industry has suffered two much these past two years. Itā€™s not spoken enough, I believe. But this one could be done. And I found people that I havenā€™t seen in a long time. Like Nacho, who used to see us play at Plaza de Lugo a long time ago. It was so beautiful to talk to him and be able to hug him after so many years. 

June is also the month for celebrations. Summer means accomplishments and light. Itā€™s all about the hype. This year I couldnā€™t celebrate Midsƶmmar as I usually do because I travelled to Sevilla for an Illustration workshop. 

I carried my witch herb and flower blend with me and poured some Galician water I was carrying in my bag. Left it overnight and used it the next morning. I love this ritual so much. I always mention it when anyone asks about beauty rituals. Thatā€™s one I never skip, even if itā€™s just once a year, the intention makes the difference. The waterā€™s supposed to make you pretty all year long šŸ¤—āœØ

I missed the bonfires and the party, but I was tired and excited because the following day I was going to do something Iā€™ve been wanting to do for years. 

In 2009, I went to London for an illustration class at Central Saint Martins that lasted for a week. It was an intensive course, long hours drawing on location. I remember how much I learned and loved that class.

Ceramics in Sevilla are to die for šŸ˜

I still think about that week as one of the most beautiful times in my life. I guess the combo of drawing and travelling are kind of a dream for me. 

A sentence from a graphic novel I fell in love with this month: Naufragos by Laura PĆ©rez.

This time, the workshop had a plus. It was taught by Fran Meneses and Ed PĆ”vez. These two people are so important in my life. Although Iā€™ve been following their work for many years, I never imagined I would meet them in person and learn so much from them in such a short amount of time. 

They are everything I love about people.

And more. 

But the story doesnā€™t end there. Oh no. Even though this workshop was a dream come true, It happened in Sevilla, which is a place I havenā€™t been in for 17 years and didnā€™t enjoy that much. I came again this June and found a place I want to come back to. I stayed in a very different area and I loved it. Even if it was so hot I wouldnā€™t function properly. heā€¦he. 

Horchata from La Campana in Calle Sierpes. 17 years ago, I fell in love and turns out my father remembered the place too. I came back as a ritual. It tasted as good as I remember. 2,90ā‚¬ the glass. That probably changed in so many years šŸ™‚

But thereā€™s another plus, which is probably my favourite part of this trip. I went there for a reason, the workshop. I was so excited and happy about it. I havenā€™t felt that way for so long, specially after all those cats surrounding me and family passing or others being sick, and you knowā€¦covid and all that in regards to music.

I guess you probably wanted to see the food I ate on the train (Made it myself)

Well, what I want to talk about is the amazing people I met there. I love how the universe gives you more when you are at such a high frequency. 

We were 16 women in the workshop. All of them were amazing, nice and supportive. Of course, all of them were incredibly talented. I love surrounding myself with people from all over the world that share so much in common. From that group, there was a mini-group of 5-6 people that became very close (in which I was included) and I know Iā€™m going to see them all again somewhere, somehow. But one of them is going to stay in my heart forever. 

Delicious Salmorejo Marta and I had for our last meal together.

Marta, who by the way is an amazing illsutrator, and I were so truthful from the first moment we met. We were so happy to talk about anything and we were vulnerable to each other and talked about things we usually canā€™t talk to other people. A similar connection was also made with Montse, Alba and Susana, but the universe wanted that Marta and I had more time to spend together, so we bonded in an incredible manner. For many hours of ā€œĀ”quĆ© fuerte, no puede serā€¦yo tambiĆ©n!ā€ šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t believe Iā€™ve had so many sychronicities with another person in many years. You know when you meet someone and you just click? Out of the blue? Thatā€™s what happened. You know the difference this time? We talked about that to each other, how we just clicked. Every moment we were acknowledging how much we were connecting and how unusual that was for both of us. 

That is magical. 

I love when things like this happen and then you understand why you need to stay focused on the things you love doing, because they lead you to your highest self, to your best version and to the people that needs to be in your life. 

Coming back wasnā€™t tough, although saying goodbye to her at the train station was a bit sad. We both know weā€™re going to see each other again. Already making plans šŸ¤—

What about your Summer, are you enjoying the second half of the year?

You know you can always connect with me on Instagram. And, well, the rest of the social media accounts. But Instagram is my go to usually šŸ™‚

Farewell selfie šŸ¤—

Have fun and keep fooding!

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