Today is March, 25th. What a better day to talk about February? Right? The playlist has been there since day 1 probably, and the photos waiting to be uploaded since then too.

I know this Recap comes incredibly late. I thought it would be better to just skip this month as if it had never passed, now it’s almost finishing. Get done with February and start March already. Wouldn’t be such a bad idea, I guess.

But I made a goal more than two years ago. I said I’d post here at least once a month, no matter what, to tell you about my life. To bring you some new music (and old) that you might want to hear. And although March has been quite a great month, I’ve felt old patterns trying to come my way. Overworking in the areas I dislike the most. Paperwork, bureaucracy and e-mails day after day. Wondering…when will the art come? When can I start being an artist?

That’s why, I’ve decided to write this summary at the end of this month. It just makes sense. It teaches me (and you) that done is better than perfect, and that I am a woman of my word. But also, that if I need time, I deserve all the time that I need. And I would give that to myself.

But enough about March. It’s February we are dealing with here. A Sunny, warm winter in Galiza. An atypical February in a particularly good mood. The Sun maybe? I don’t really know. But the sky has always something to do with our mood, be it the Sun, Luna or whatever planet that wants to be teaching us something valuable.
I published some videos in my youtube channel, which I loved doing. Some more cooking videos coming up, whenever I get the time to finish them 

It was a calm month, and calm for me means breakfasts outside, cats cuddling while I read a book and drink a matcha or a cacao. It’s finding the time to work and rest and both seem in perfect harmony.

Calm means walks around to let my hair dry under the Sun while I breathe and feel thankful each time I contemplate something beautiful in nature. Which is always.

Calm means love, means balance, means my own rhythm. Calm means no pressure for doing things that don’t make any sense to me.

Lately I’ve been reflecting on how I do the things I do regarding my job. How I feel an external pressure that always tells me how should I behave or how much should I be working.

The first two months of the year were perfect because for once in a very long while, I haven’t felt like that. I went at my own pace. Ironically, I got more done than ever.

One day, a very clever young boy said something very true to a person I really like: “You’re always in a hurry, and thus you delay yourself”. I’ve come to find this statement to be very accurate indeed.

Pay attention to the way you live your life and you’ll see, the more you hurry…the later good things arrive. I am trying to live an intentional life every single day. Sometimes I let my old beliefs get in the way and start rushing, following the hurries of other people. Then I notice that it is me, and just me, the only person who can decide what pace is good for me.

I am saying this because March hasn’t been that calm, it hasn’t been as nice a month as I should’ve loved. It has been amazing in many ways, but I’ve seen that side of me I don’t want to be embodying: a mindless “do-it-all” Sílvia. That’s not who I want to be right now.

I’m anticipating a blog entry that I hope will come in a week. Fingers crossed. 

It’s funny, because I was just talking to my mum right now. I am recovering from sickness and she asked how I was. I said I got up from a nap and I was trying to function, but I forgot how to function normally. She said I’d remember when I wake up feeling well. Which is a great advice.

But then, lost in my instant thought of: “I can’t really function at all, what shall I do? I need to get some work done!” I breathed in and out and told myself: “If you need to go to bed, just f*cking go”.

As soon as I said this to myself, and I accepted the fact that I didn’t want to do work that I couldn’t care about, something inside me said: “The blog”. And then I remembered how therapeutic writing is and how easy it comes to me to use words for telling a story, even if that story is my own. And how important it is to do work that you love.

So thanks to all that read this, every month, even when I take more time than usual because I need some healing to do or just because I’m having fun or have any other things in my mind. I don’t forget about you, and you are a very important part of my wellbeing. Have fun and keep fooding.