The February playlist has arrived! It seems almost impossible that January has finished already. I’ve been working in many projects, taking advantage of the New Year’s rush.
I love how any habit I try to incorporate sticks easily. January is just the best month for that, apart from September of course (Virgo season).

This January has been happier than usual. Maybe due to the weather. Global warming sucks, yes…but here in Galicia, we are so used to rainy Winters, and Summers and whatever month of the year. When January comes cold and sunny, it’s a blessing. I am very grateful for all the walks in nature, the running my 4K at 2ºC. Yes, I’ve started running again. I love running, but for a couple of years, between recording albums, tours, some knee problems and all the fuss with the pandemic, I couldn’t find the energy to put myself to do it.

Good news is, I found the energy now, and I am happy as a clam. I know exercising regularly has a lot to do with it. But there’s some other factors helping. There’s always so much more to anything.

Except for some mild issues with the car and the fact that I found Felipe (a stray cat that became a regular guest at Sílvia’s) dead in the backyard, the month flowed easily. I felt sad for Felipe, especially because I don’t really know what happed. And I probably never will, but it seems that lately cats surrounding me are dying and new ones are coming to my life. Cycles. I know these kind of things happen. There’s nothing like winter for death. As an artist, I do believe that death brings life. So I understand death in a different way. I feel sad, don’t get me wrong. But I accept it and feel grateful for meeting Felipe and being a part of his journey, as well as for what I can create with that feeling that death brings.

Emotions are a choice, and after so many deaths in my life, I’ve learnt to stop lingering in drama and suffering. We need more joy in this world. I want to be part of that. I want to be part of the change to counterbalance the suffering.

I’ve been creative as hell. I’ve made a lot of new projects and I am building my new website, which I hope will be ready for Spring. I’m not rushing it, I’m enjoying the ride. I’ve been working in and outside the house. More movement than usual in regards to January.

That’s maybe a key to happiness. Accepting that everything is perfect just the way it is and enjoying every little detail of your life makes you happier. But it’s also crucial to be creative and open to try new things to get the excitement going on. Always enjoying the way as much as the result.

Woah! Sílvia got deep there. Hahaha. Winter is the perfect season for reflecting too, for going inwards. The New Moon of the year.
I must confess I don’t feel that the world is in the same state as I am. Wherever I go, especially in the city, the people I know tells me they are tired of everything that is going on. I know that feeling, I am not saying we shoudn’t worry about whats going on in the world…well, actually I am. We should know what’s going on, and do something about it if we can. But what if we can’t do anything to solve things? We just need to accept things the way they are. And that, my friends, is SO liberating.

I dare you to try for just one single day: Don’t worry about anything that you can’t change. And, if you can change it…do it.

Free coaching lessons for my readers, hehe (I’m also a coach, you can ask me or get a session with me here) I didn’t have in mind promoting myself in this post. But I know I am a good coach, and St. Valentines Day is coming soon. I need to start giving myself some love.

You do too.

Oh! And I am curious…did you celebrate the Lunar New Year? I always do, even if it’s a small ritual or a recipe. I made a simpIe bowl this time and posted it at the end of January. You can take a look. It turned out delicious.

I hope you had the best month of the year, I surely did. I am entering February with more hope, more excitement and wanting to make things even more exciting. Optimism is the best medicine.

Have fun and keep fooding!