Bonjour! Here’s the playlist, tune in and let’s begin!
I’ve been postponing writing this post for a couple of days on purpose. Lately, a lot of different things have been happening.

The month started with my sister getting married. I was in charge of the photos
Sílvia Photographer 

That was one of the highlights of the month. I thought, being my birthday on the 10th, that the second highlight would be my birthday…but it wasn’t.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you probably know the cats. Tomate decided it was time for him to leave us. Just a couple of days before celebrating life, I had to celebrate death.

It was one of the toughest moments I had to go through. I took the day off and stayed in bed with him until he passed away, at 22:30. I made some rituals and we buried him in the backyard. It’s been tough, I’m not going to lie. I miss him in every morning routine, in every breakfast and each time I hear a cat, deep inside I turn around thinking it might be him.
If you’ve lived with cats, you know what I’m talking about.
It seems like death has been very present for me lately. I’ve come to accept it in a very different way. Although it hurts, of course, I try and stay positive. Why? Because it’s the best thing I can do. I’m quite good at being positive, actually.

Even though it had been only a couple of days, I decided that I needed to celebrate my birthday as I intended. Grief has a magnificent way of sneaking into joy, but both can coexist. That is something I’ve learnt from so much death of loved ones lately.

If you ever go through a grief period, please…try to sneak in little moments of joy whenever you want. It is much appreciated by your body and it won’t do any harm. Don’t let others (or yourself) judge you for that. You don’t need to be worried or crying in order to show that you loved a lot. Love is joy, so joy is as valid as any other emotion. Let it in.

But let’s change the subject because I really need to be talking about the good things in life to bring in that joy I’m telling you about

Finally! A gig! After having to postpone many many dates on the calendar, we could start the tour. In November I have at least one concert every week and that makes me sooooo happy!

Vigo was the first stop and I had a lot of fun, and enjoyed some little pleasures like eating outside and buying some clay for the pottery studio.

This month has also been a time for reflecting and planning the last part of the year. I always do this. Autumn has the best sunrises and I’ve been watching them every day. Nature is just perfect.

I’ve also been enjoying the company of the new kittens that someone abandoned here with her mum. We’ve become very close Mamá and I.

Her kittens are the cutest and two of them are quite friendly, but the third one is always scared. He runs whenever I try to touch him. Although he’s been observing his brother and sister and now I can cuddle him when he’s not looking 

There were many delicious breakfasts in October too, as of course is tradidion. I’ve been adding spirulina to my toasts every now and then.

Chestnuts are amazing in my area and I love them. I roast them in the pan and they turn out amazing. The tree we have here is huge right now, so there’s an abundance of chestnuts. Some other years I had to pick them up from the forest, but this year, there’s no need.

Samhain is always a special date for me. I started celebrating Halloween when I was a kid because I felt very drawn to that celebration. Now I make something a bit more in tune with the space I’m in and the person I’ve become.

Apart from that, I was lucky my Dad shared some of his homemade desserts with me (and I showed my Instagram followers how he did it)

So, for Samhain, I invited a couple of friends to enjoy some chestnuts, while talking and hiking. A perfect autumn plan. It started at breakfast and ended before dinner. It’s kind of my perfect plan. I just don’t know why people hang out so late at night. Alejandra and Lucía think like me, so they really appreciated the early plan.

We all know I’m a breakfast kind of girl 

A perfect month, because I can only be grateful for everything that I have, I do and the souls I connect with.

The month ended perfectly, with Samhain and all the food I shared. Like this recipe that you can find in the blog.

Tomate will always be a part of me, and he is always with me. We are part of the same team. I am so happy that I could spend these last ten years with him.

I’m grateful that he wanted to be part of my life and I’m so thankful for all the love and cuddles we shared every morning and every evening. Every time he stole food from the table and I laughed because he preferred to steal even though I was giving it to him directly. Every minute of my morning routine, when he came into the room to meditate and stayed for yoga. Standing on my back while I was doing the downward facing dog, as difficult as it sounds. Every sunrise having breakfast outside. Both of us, together.

All the love to you, my sweetest soul. I am surely going to miss having your little belly to cuddle. Your sister is taking care of me so I don’t feel so alone. Safe travels and say hello to Zapato.
I love you. Always.