Before you begin reading, please play the October playlist. It makes the experience different, in a good way.
This September has been charged with the Virgo energy for sure. I’ve been planning and doing too much stuff.

Apart from breakfasts, I really didn’t have much time during the first half of the month to cook for myself so I ended up eating whatever was in the fridge, outside or salads in a plastic package.

I know packaged salads aren’t the most sustainable option and that’s why I try not to buy them too often and make my own with pre-prepared items in my fridge.

But, sometimes, you have to go with the flow of things and sacrifice one of the many things in order to feel better.

That week of salads helped my mental health a lot, allowing me to focus on the work I needed to do. It’s not finished yet, but when you’ve found yourself a way of living instead of working, it’s never really done.

Before the rain came again, and the heat was among us in Galiza, I went and had one last pistacchio ice cream. Because I love pistacchio too much. This was my first time (ever) eating just one flavour of ice cream.

I am becoming a minimalist with food. A mindful food picker. Not really, but I just wanted to mindfully eat one flavour. I made a little ritual about it and now I can still feel the flavour if I really focus on that particular moment. Moments that last forever

Talking about picking…I didn’t make a scientific investigation, but I found out something about mosquitos. One of them was picking me all afternoon for her lovely bites, so instead of shooshing her, I simply let her bite me. I found that after she got full of my blood (picture above) she left and didn’t come back. One bite versus one hundred mini-bites. That’s a win for both of us.

My conclusion: if you want just one bite from one mosquito, let her until she’s fed up and leaves. Fun fact, that stung less than the other semi-bites. Just leaving this info here in case it’s needed.

I was almost ready to celebrate the Equinox and I received a package from Kike (@labudaneta at Instagram) We’ve become instafriends this Summer and started talking. He’s been so freaking nice sending me such a lovely assortment of fruit and veggies. Couldn’t be more grateful.

I deeply thanked him and I am still enjoying some of the peppers.

My neighbours kept bringing me fruit and veggies too, I am surrounded by abundance lately and I couldn’t be more grateful.

So much abundance! It made me ground myself a little bit in the urge of consuming all those beautiful vegetables I got gifted.

But still, some days with all the chores and new stuff to do piling up, I just grabbed whatever was on hand. Like these meatballs, that, for your interest, had a delicious homemade tomato sauce. I would actually order the tomato saucee and fries alone next time.

But in case I am boring you, I’ll switch the topic.

I’ve been drawing and designing a lot lately. Only when you pick up a habit again, you notice how much you missed it for so long.

And between meal prepping and eating outside, I got the chance to make some nice work I am quite proud of.

But it’s not just working what life is all about. I got the chance to reconnect not only with a habit I missed, I also got the chance to reconnect with a friend I haven’t seen in a very long while. We’ve been talking through insta a lot, but you know that’s not the same.

And, if you know me well, and by now you should…everything around me turns into food. We met in Lugo, where she’s from, and I got the chance to eat some excellent tapas. Lugo is the most amazing place for that.

We hugged a lot, chatted a lot, and shared some deep thoughts about health, life, spirituality and the universe. I am much more profound talking when you know me well.

We also laughed a lot. I’d love to add that Alejandra is the best laugher I’ve ever met. I love how she laughs like it’s the first time each and every single time. Her vibration is so high you only want to be around her.

She’s been studying a lot lately and I am really looking forward to see her pass the exam very soon, so we can celebrate

I really appreciated how the sun kept shining for a while. One heavy storm came one afternoon and just 10 minutes before I was at the beach, eating and befriending the seagulls, unaware of what was coming.

But it’s not only about old friends. New ones are always something beautiful. This month, I met this little woman. She came to my house asking for food. And soon we started a very beautiful relationship.

I hoped she stick around, but from my experience…cats always stick around with Sílvia, we witches have a je ne sais quoi. You witches out there get me, right?

So much excitement and balance came with the beginning of the Equinox. A very needed balance actually.
On the last days… …I found time to get sassy.
Balance and abundance. That would be the focus of this season for me. So much abundance, that my family is growing. The little cat I told you came back, stuck around and brought some tiny little specks of stardust with her. Yes, you hear me well. Now my workplace is majority cat-ruled. The world is finally where it needs to be

As always, have fun and keep fooding!