May Playlist
– Monthly blog update 
April started well, with an avocado with more flesh than pit. Life is good 

It was a month with duality. It seemed like very polarized. There were moments with a lot of energy and others with a lot of rest. But also the perfect mixture of both at some point.

I had a lot of work but also a lot of things to enjoy. When I say it this way it seems like I don’t really enjoy working.

When I say working, I’m usually referring to work I don’t enjoy that much. I don’t know if I make any sense to anyone, but I had a lot in mind, maybe I’m overworked.

We anounced a new gig! Yay! It seems ridiculous nowadays being happy for a tour of one date. But, you know…this gal is grateful as hell.

Having that one gig gave me more headaches than a full tour. Complications with bureaucracy and other stuff that you can never get enough of
. But I don’t want to bore you with stuff you’re probably already bored of.

It seems like April was longer than other months. Was it just me? Foodwise I was craving much more sweet foods. Maybe it was because of my lack of energy. Not quite sure. It happens sometimes. I craved cereal in the morning and nutella (a more nutritious version, actually) for dessert.

I made some balanced meals that I enjoyed “al fresco” because the weather got nice for a while. Spoiler alert: It didn’t last too long.

I don’t know if this happens to any of you, but usually when the weather changes, it really affects me. How? Depends on the change. I notice when a storm is coming I get extremely tired a couple of days before. Then on the actual day of the storm I get all charged up and sometimes a bit anxious.

This month, the storm anticipated the full moon. I also feel the changes in the moon. Great cocktail. I ended up with a storm of feelings in my mind and body. It was a strong full moon, indeed. Did you feel it too?

Talking about cravings, cheese and yogurt were my saviours those days prior to the storm. I felt Halloumi was the perfect choice, so I made this snack with habanero and dill. Unsurprisingly, simple recipes can be good.

The rest of the month I was more into salad bowls. Like this one:

Or this one:

But enough about food for a minute. Yes, I can talk about other things apart from food. Believe it or not.

I finally paid a visit to my pottery teacher! She had some pieces I left before they closed “the borders”. I was so freaking glad with the results. I think they look fantastic! Even though I was not intending to make them in blue, they turned out quite nice.

We also had a week at the end of the month planned for promotional appearances on TV. It involved a lot of travelling throughout the country and not too much time to do anything else. I love those contrasts between a lot of activity and then _______ REST. We had the chance to play at Radio 3, which has an iconic programme where bands play live a mini-concert.

Then we headed to Barcelona, for another TV appearance and a work meeting (our management office is there)
We haven’t been there since the pandemic started. Yes, that long. Working from home with them was ok, but we missed that face to face chats. It feels good to see people every now and then
As things are still a bit weird, and I was extremely tired from travelling, the storm and the full moon (all mentioned above and in the photo below)…

…I decided to order room service and asked for this delicious bolognese tagliatelle, I indulged a little bit on the parmesan. I was “trained” to not throw food to the garbage. Good girl.

It looks like April wasn’t only about sweet food and dairy, I also craved pasta. But who doesn’t? Or better yet…who doesn’t crave pasta every day? Right? Right? (intensity level up)

You know I am a very breakfast person. I know that’s not the way people talk but I am very breakfast inclined. Very breakfast much. Very breakfast indeed.

I tried this place that was next to our hotel. I love having breakfast at hotel restaurants, but… since I love trying other places too and I knew there was a bakery nearby…I went and grabbed some coffee, a sandwich and a crême filled croissant. The croissant was nice and all that jazz, but the bread in the sandwich (the one on the IG photo above) was extremely crunchy in a good way.

The driver that took us to the TV studio in Barcelona was such a nice guy. Miquel, was his name. He left us a bottle of cava (Spanish champagne may I dare say?) at the hotel reception with his name on it.
I mean the bottle brand was Miquel. Great sense of humour
. Such a great guy. He recommended me a place next to the hotel that made great burgers. The place was beautiful and the design and decoration was quite nice too.

I ordered pulled pork because I haven’t eaten it in about 5 years and I really wanted that taste. It always reminds me of London. It was very trendy in there in 2016.

In Barcelona, I stayed at Poblenou. I almost always stay in the same area of Barcelona because of convenience. It’s next to the office. I know my way around the area. I mean food wise. Damn, I said I was changing the subject, didn’t I? 
Well, food is everywhere (in this blog).

I stopped at Espai Joliu, which is a place where I enjoy having a matcha. I tried a cookie this time and I can assure you, both things were as good as I expected. And I had high hopes.
I took a lot of photos of both this place and the one with the burgers. I might write an entire blog post about them. I miss my restaurant experiences.
On our way back home, there were a lot of pre-packed salads, same ol’ same ol’.

Finally, we made one last stop to visit a colleague. He cooked some really nice food. He might have invented Tortilla with Socarrat, which was a delicatessen. As all good recipes, it started as an accident.

He hid the socarrat, but that was the best part actually. Well, and these lovely tomatoes.

We didn’t have internet service in our phones, so I enjoyed some nice walks around the area and visited the mute ducks on the pond. Yes, life is sweet.

As sweet as this toffee I found at a gas station

Life is as good as you make it. So, as I always tell you…have fun and keep fooding. And don’t forget about the playlist of the month:
Love! and also, if you want to try this new recipe I shared a couple of days ago:


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