July Playlist
And June Recap
Your mighyt have noticed that this playlist is coming a bit later than the others. I really tried to get it on time, but work got in the way. We are getting ready for shooting another music video. That.Takes.Time.

We’re also getting everything ready for the release of the album that is coming soon. I’m pretty excited, but at the same time, I don’t have much time left for non-work related stuff. I hope I can get some holidays at least once in my life. I think I havent’t taken a long holiday (more than one day off) for more than 12 years. It’s starting to take a toll on me.

Nevermind, you know I don’t like complaining. It wasn’t really a complaint, it was more a thought, a reflection).
June was Pride Month, so I thought it would be better to make July’s playlist Pride Playlist. I could have done it in June, like everybody else has probably done, but even though I like celebrating everything when it is supposed to be celebrated, I really think we should be focusing on the good stuff the whole year.
July is a playlist that is 100% LGBTQ+ And I must say, it was the easiest to make. Even though I knew many of the artists were part of the collective, I found out about some others, and add their songs happily.

This past month has been a special one. The garden has started giving back.

Cucumbers are the main ingredient right now for me. The seeds I sowed are now beautiful plants with small yellow flowers that give me sweet and fresh cucumbers. I let them grow a bit more than they are supposed to. The variety I bought are French cornichons. I really like them when they grow.

The taste is nice and I can make a salad with just one. I just peel them and take the seeds out to use next year. They are incredibly mild and full of flavour. I can’t be more grateful.

I’m also madly in love with my one and only sunflower. I planted more, but they are still no flower showing yet, probably in a couple of weeks.
If that wasn’t enough, my neighbours have a bunch of courgettes, so they have been giving me giant specimens that I am turning into many different things. Last one was chocolate zucchini pudding. I still don’t know how to name all those recipes, but I’ve been creating a number of dishes, sweet and savoury with courgette as the main ingredient.

Here in Galicia we celebrate the coming of Summer the 23rd of June (St. John’s eve) and we make bonfires and make witchy rituals.
My favourite ritual is picking up herbs and flowers to make the cacho. Basically we pick a specific number of herbs (each house has a different number and each witch has her own mix). Every year I go for a walk around the area and pick whatever I feel atracted to. Then we add fresh water. I always get it from a natural source and if I get too picky I go to seven different fountains to pick water from seven hills. But I don’t usually have that much time because I’m getting ready for the bonfire and to make dinner.
This year I had a fire-staring session. I don’t really know if that’s even a thing, but it felt transforming, purifying and relaxing. I’m surely going to do it again when I get the chance.
We celebrated my Mum’s birthday outdoors with a picnic-like meal. My mother cooked a lot of food. It was all delicious, so I just made some snacks and limenade. We also ate cake, of course.

A couple of days before that, I went to Fisterra, supposedly the end of the world, and enjoyed a free afternoon. I made some furry friends.

And I visited a restaurant where the staff is incredibly nice and they have vegetarian and vegan options, local beer and homemade lemonade.

If the homemade lemonade wasn’t enough to make me like them, the staff from Etel & Pan remembered I was there before and gave me a couple of nice presents. One of them a box of herbal tea from Orballo (a brand I’ve already mentioned I love )

I feel so grateful when people gift me food. It’s like, I don’t know…the best thing to give as a gift Don’t you agree? If you ever visit Fisterra, make sure you go there and try their food. They also have a little shop with beautiful mugs, bags and other local gadgets. It’s a charming place.
Summer is also the best time to enjoy orxata. I love it. It’s tigernut milk with sugar. Whenever I make it at home I use less sugar than store bought cartons. It doesn’t need that much to taste good and tiger nuts are a very healthy choice to make vegetable milk.
The rest of the month has been a combination of no time to cook and no time for anything other than work, hence the amount of curries I made. I love a good curry because you keep it for three days in the fridge. That way I can concentrate on my job while I know I’ going to have a healthy dinner waiting for me.

I usually make Indian curry, but Thai red curry is very common at Sílvia’s kitchen. I don’t do it that often because I make Indian mild curries with cashews and Thai curries with coconut milk. Coconut milk has never been that good for my digestive system. Maybe the type of fat doesn’t suit me as much as that coming from the cashews.

I made more desserts than usual. These sweet potato brownies where amazing. I plan on making them soon and, if I don’t forget and have the time, maybe take some pictures and note down the recipe so you can have it (No promises!

Veggie spaghetti and meatballs was something I’d been craving for a while, and I finally made them in June! The pasta was made with egg and flour, and the meatballs where gluten-free and vegan.

I’ve reintroduced yogurt and it’s making me digest better. I use organic sheep yogurt often now for avocado toasts, cucumber salads or for my breakfasts and I’ve noticed quite a difference. I don’t use it too much though, but I’m enjoying it in delicious recipes.

I still wish I could eat a 100% plant-based diet, but it’s been a long time experimenting with different stuff and each body reacts in a different way. Yogurt seems to be doing something good to my gut.
I hope you enjoy the new playlist. Also, I hope you don’t have to work all Summer like me and can spend a couple of weeks just doing nothing! It’s good to let the body rest to reset. Whenever I finish the album I will try to..no! I WILL go somewhere for a couple of days to reset.
Ahhh, a girl can dream
I included one of my favourite songs ever: Tchaikovsky’s op.20 Act 1: 2. Waltz (Tempo di valse) from Swan Lake. It’s so powerful. I usually play it whenever I’m tired. Good energy getting into my ears. Also, ironically, I added a song called “I Have a Hole in my Tooth (and My Dentist is Shut)” and two weeks later, I got a hole in my tooth…the universe playing games with me Luckily, my dentist wasn’t shut and fixed it in a couple of days…but still.
Don’t forget you can share any recipe with me trhough my social media accounts: @silviafooding at Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. I also have a Pinterest account (you can now pin any of the pictures from my web into your Pinterest boards in order to inspire you).
Hope everythig is well. Have fun and keep fooding!
Before you go, check out some of my latest recipes and tell me if you want me to make any recipe you can think of!
Try this vegan strawberry pie: