June Playlist –
– #blacklivesmatter
I made my June playlist, and it started as something beautiful and full of hope. Our new song “Ahora” is out and I am so proud after years of working on our new album.
But my life is everyone’s life. We are one, when will we learn? We are different and that diversity makes us beautiful. But, in the end, we are all the same. I try to be very inclusive in everything I do, but this month my playlist has more presence from BIPOC musicians o purpose.
I don’t want this post to be anti-racism, but pro-change. I am pro-everything. If you are anti-something, you focus your energies on the bad instead of on the good. So let’s be pro-change and focus our vibration on something good, so good things come to our lives.
In the words of Mother Teresa: “I was once asked why I don’t participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I’ll be there.” Those are powerful words that really resonate with me.

Sometimes as an empath and an optimist, saying something about an injustice takes me longer. I overthink how to say things because I don’t want to offend anyone (on the side of the injustice) and to be honest, I always feel like I am not educated enough in the matter, even if I am on the side of the injustice. But as a woman, I can begin to understand what the feeling can be.
I am pro-life, as well as pro-choice. Interpret that as you wish, I know the political connotations of those two words, now read them literally. Both make sense, both can mean the same, and still we fight each other to defend a point of view.
I have three black cousins, all women…and still I didn’t even think about them with all of what’s happening. You see, I “forgot” they are “different” because they aren’t. And because I don’t think they are in the same unfair position as many other BIPOC because they grew up in a white household. Still, even though they’ve never told me about how people treat them in a different way just because… I know they do.
I am here to raise your vibration because we have enough things lowering it already. Don’t let fear control your life. Let it teach you and learn a lesson. Love is always the right answer. If you open up, love will find its way. Believe me, I do know what I’m talking about.
Have you ever wondered why you never look at a baby and think…”such an asshole!” Well, because assholes are a result of the education we give them as a society. I include myself here too.
Today, I choose to speak up for all the people that belong to a minority and find themselves abused. I’ve been educating myself on indigenous American people lately, just because I’ve noticed I know almost nothing about such a rich and interesting tradition. But I’ve found these days, our world needs to learn first about human rights and start applying them on a basic level. All deaths hurt the same for close relatives, but some matter more for the entire world. Let’s make George’s death be the ignition for something even bigger than what Rosa Parks started by sitting on the “wrong side” of the bus. #blacklivesmatter