March 2020 – Spotify Playlist
February recap: Caterpillars & Sunrise 

I’m surprised I was able to make this one. I’ve been quite busy this past February. It was a month full of duties. I’ve worked my ass off in and out of the workplace.
This past month, Carlos and I have been working on the new album that is due this year. I’ve written string arrangements for weeks and now we are finally recording them.
But this was a month full of workouts too. The gym has been my second home because I’m getting ready for the live performances this year. Believe it or not, I need to get fit for playing drums. Also, I love moving my body. I might have started dancing again There were plenty of walks in nature and even a short run (uphill) near the beach. I can’t complain.
In all those walks I contemplated nature as it changed from pure Winter to a very anticipated Spring. Having such a warm February makes me think about all the changes we are causing to our planet and it breaks my heart. But as the grateful person I am, I won’t complain, and I’ll accept the weather that comes, even though this probably means that in August we will be getting rain every other day.
I’ve also focused on my routines and started waking up at 6:00 again. It makes me so happy to go with my natural circadian rhythm.
Being so close to nature allows me to find friends. Sometimes it happens to be a cow, but mostly birds, cats and insects. Caterpillars were a repetitive motive this February and I couldn’t be happier. I LOVE CATERPILLARS.
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I made pancakes and took some beautiful pictures to post the recipe on this web, because I haven’t done it for a while. And I am really commited to do it more often this year. I can’t promise anything though…appart from the new album I am working on a new project that I am quite excited about. Of course, I’ll let you know about it as soon as I can
There was a lot of cooking, especially Afghan food, which is one of my favourite cuisines.

I made my own bread (because I’m trying to eat a little bit of gluten every now and then) and I’ve noticed how much I missed the kneading part.
[wonderplugin_video videotype=”mp4″ mp4=”http://www.silviafooding.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/IMG_6992.mov” webm=”” poster=”” lightbox=0 lightboxsize=1 lightboxwidth=960 lightboxheight=540 autoopen=0 autoopendelay=0 autoclose=0 lightboxtitle=”” lightboxgroup=”” lightboxshownavigation=0 showimage=”” lightboxoptions=”” videowidth=400 videoheight=600 keepaspectratio=1 autoplay=0 loop=0 videocss=”position:relative;display:block;background-color:#000;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;margin:0 auto;” playbutton=”https://www.silviafooding.com/wp-content/plugins/wonderplugin-video-embed/engine/playvideo-64-64-0.png”]
I also found a beautiful store that I didn’t know about in Coruña and bough a Palomino pencil, because they are just wow.
To finish the month, I went to Biocultura. There I said hello to old friends and to other people that have been to our gigs. It’s always nice when you come and say hello because you are nice people Couldn’t resist buying crystals, incense and food. Three of my favourite things.
Of course, self-care, friends and family are in the list. But most of my days I had to spend them working indoors. That is something that can be a bit frustrating for someone that works as a musician. But we need balance, so there’ll be a lot of travelling and not being at home and I’ll beg for some quiet home moments

How was your February like? I always try to go with the seasons, but I’m not sure this month could be labelled as Winter, nor Spring…so I just lived day by day as I was meant to.
Sending you love. Have fun and keep fooding!