Baked Carrots with Polenta
Blue has always been an obsession in my life, though so whenever I have to choose one I’ll say blue. Why? Well, I guess it’s because we consider it’s the colour of the sky, the sea…although that could be a conversation that lasts an hour if we are really scientific about it. Also, it’s the colour of my flag, Galician flag. I’ve always thought that using sky blue in a flag was something that said a lot of a place where the sky is always gray
Optimism, I have a lot of this. We all have positivity inside, but we keep forgetting about it. Why? I have many theories that would, again, take more than an hour to discuss.
Yellow has always been a colour that defines happiness. Haven’t you seen emojis, they were called smileys for a while, because that was the first one It’s the colour of the Sun (sometimes, I’ve seen a red Sun more than once, haven’t you?) the colour of the sand, that we all associate with Summer. It’s also the colour of corn and polenta, and money. To some humans money is a reason to smile, so I guess it all adds up.
I’ve always loved corn on the cob, but when I started eating the way I do, I read a lot of bad stuff about corn. All of this information made me rethink my thoughts about corn being healthy, and even though I can have it without feeling awful, I don’t buy it too often, just because I don’t really know how much it can affect my health on the long run. Nonetheless, I’ve learnt in many occassions that life is about all of the tiny things and not only one of them. Diet pays a very important role in my life, but so does exercise, mental health, schedule, work-life balance, relationships with others, enterntainment, sexuality (which is another form of enterntainment and self-knowledge), spirituality, learning, passions and many other things.
What I was trying to say is that if I really want a cup of polenta, I will eat it. That applies to everything in my life. It doesn’t make any sense to eat “healthy” if your mind is not.
The difference between me now and me a couple of years ago… I eat better and feel better. Why? because I’ve come to terms with food. I’ve understood there’s no such thing as bad food for you once. It’s about a repetition of bad habits. Oh, habits…I could talk about this an hour too. I think I have too many topics I’d enthusiastically talk about
My main change in diet has been putting vegs first. COnsider veggies as the main dish and then add the rest to your dishes. It’s a switch in your mindset, but it would set the basse for better nutrition and better health. That’s why this recipe has carrots as the main highlight. Roasted carrots taste sweet and have a lot of texture, what makes them the perfect excuse to add some citric juice and mushy polenta.
One of the main reasons why people don’t enjoy veggies is because they haven’t learnt how to cook them to their taste. It’s nobody’s fault, they’ve never been considered “gourmet food”. But they really are. Give the veggies the credit they deserve. You don’t like carrots? Try this recipe with pumpkin. Don’t like pumpkin? What about red peppers? See where I’m going? Just make veggies the star of the dish

Roasted Carrots with Polenta
A simple and fragrant recipe for any season.
- 1 kg carrots
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- 1 tbsp fresh thyme
- 1 tbsp lime juice
- 1 tsp lavender flowers
- a little bit balsamic vinegar
- 1 tsp hemp seeds
- 1 /2 tsp black pepper
- 1 dash salt
- 1 handful hazelnuts (roasted)
- 1/2 cup polenta
- 1/2 glass oat milk
Preheat the oven at 250ºC
Bake the carrots with the coconut oil and salt.
When they are golden brown, take out of the oven.
Add the herbs, the spices, lime juice and vinegar. It's better if you have a vaporizer for the vinegar.
Cook the polenta in hot water and take it out of the heat after one minute.
Add the oat milk and salt. Let it sit for a minute or two.
Serve the carrots on top of the polenta, add the hemp seeds and chopped hazelnuts.
Recipe Notes
If you don't have coconut oil, use olive oil.
Lavender flowers are amazing in this recipe, but if you don't have try rosemary.
Have fun and keep fooding!
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