Advent Calendar: 1 habit a day #adventhabits
I’ve read a lot about how easy it is to do something if you form a habit. That’s why I hate new year’s resolutions done in January. I have a lot of resolutions, but I don’t feel like the first day of the year is going to be the best day to start. Why? Well, you probably stayed up later than usual, you might be hungover if you drink alcohol and if you are, like most people, a food lover…you’ve probably eaten more than your body needed.
It’s OK, special days are for that. You can do whatever you want, just make sure you don’t start clean on the following day. It’s going to be tougher than ever and you’ll give up.
That’s why I created this challenge I’ve called #adventhabits
24 days of forming a new habit each day. During December, you’ll be adding a new habit each day. You’ll start with the most important one on your list, and then you’ll be adding easier and also more difficult habits during the rest of the month. The greatest thing is that the most important one will be so natural for you by the time the 24th comes, that you won’t need to add it to your New Year’s resolutions.

Here, I’m sharing the list of my first seven #adventhabits Please, make sure you share yours with me by adding the hashtag and by tagging me @silviafooding
If we do it together, we can make it easier!
Also, to make it easier, some of the habits can be done 3 times a week, so you can relax and do other stuff the rest of the days. It’s easier than you think. After the challenge finishes, I will choose one of the pictures tagged with #adventhabits + @silviafooding and I’ll be their Secret Santa (it’s going to be a secret gift box chosen by me, and you know I have great taste
) You can do it in any language, of course.
You can just add one habit to your list, two, ten or 24…even more if you wish. You can share the list or one picture representing a habit. Be creative, the thing is to have fun.
And also, you have until the 24th to enter the contest!
- Wake up early again (6:30 is the right time for me now, choose yours)
Exercise every day
Calendar Blocking
Create a recipe
Drink herbal tea according to my mood
Clean something
I haven’t included things I already do everyday, like Yoga, meditation, oil-pulling, morning journaling, meal prep, meal plan… I’ve also added things I’ve been doing for a while, but I stopped due to health problems like exercising every day, waking up early, drawing, calendar blocking…
Choose the things that matter the most for you! Have fun and keep fooding!