The Good Cereal (Coruña) because cereal for breakfast is always a good idea
I really want to talk about breakfast and cereal. For those of you who have been following me for a while, or those who know me since I was a kid (Hi Mum, Grandma and Viví!) you know I love breakfast. My mum has always helped me love this meal. I loved when she made toast and I could smell the butter from my room and I woke up jumping and shouting: “You made toasts in the pan!” She had this magnificent way of making them. She put some butter in a pan, then added the stale bread (or fresh sometimes) and then put the bread on top. She usually made some hot thick chocolate to dip them in. I can’t eat bread, butter or milk right now, and I won’t…but I would love to just smell those one more time before I die. She usually made them at the weekend because we had more time to enjoy them. But that didn’t mean we couldn’t have fun during the week.
One of the things I remember the most was asking her to buy some cereal. She kept saying, “But you still have three different cereal boxes at home!”. But my sister and I always had our way with food, and my poor mother ended up eating the old cereal while we tried the new stuff. She’s always been a great mum.
My love for cereal went through a rough patch a couple of years ago when I stopped drinking milk. I really thought the rest of the plant-based mylks weren’t as rich as cow’s milk. Well, some soy or coconut cream aren’t but it wasn’t the same for me. And I was right, that sweet and thick flavour is very difficult to imitate. But I’ve learnt to forget about that and started making some overnight oats, porridge or buckwheat and quinoa to have some richness coming from other sources (you can watch this video to see an example of my breakfast Minute: 6:15)
I’ve always wanted to try all the cereal I saw. Now I’m officially gluten-free, so the range shortens a lot.
When I saw that there was a Cereal Bar in Coruña, I needed to go, even though I didn’t know if I’ll end up having an orange juice because they were no options for me.
Ha! no options…they even had the perfect choice for my diet: organic, no soy, no gluten, vegan…and unsweetened almond mylk. It was instant love. I ordered the chocolate variety of Vitabella cereal, although next time I’ll try the strawberry filled mini sachets. I simply loved them. I remember I was kind of addicted to Krave cereal a couple of years ago. This cereal, my friends, are exactly what I loved about those, but without the “bad stuff” that I can’t eat.
The fact that they had such a huge variety of milk and mylk for the cereal makes me want to dance.
And, well…maybe my favourite part is that you can add toppings, and I’ve always loved fruit with my cereal.
One more thing, the man working there was very kind and helpful. He said he had to go for fresh oranges in order to make the orange juice because the ones he had were from two days ago. I mean…who does that!? Such a gentleman.
Oh, and I’d like to emphasize how pretty their little bottles are. I mean, please…
I have to take some more blood tests next week, so I’m sure I’m going to have my “something sweet” there. Maybe I’ll make another sensual video…let me know if you like them Have Fun and Keep Fooding!