Tortellini with aubergine and coconut milk (Vegetarian)
I haven’t been able to update this web with recipes lately because I haven’t been cooking a lot, basically. The other day, I went to the doctor, a week after a car accident. I am better than I expected, but my neck is making me rest for a while (presumably a couple of months until I am 100% as I was before the accident). I’m not in a rush, but the first thing I asked the doctor was: Can I cook? To which he answered: Little by little.
Well, here is my first recipe. It took me longer to chop the veggies and I had to rest in between at some point, but I made myself a meal
1 1/2 aubergines
1 medium onion
Sarmale spices (I bought a sachet, the brand name is Alex. You can substitute with coriander seeds, parsley, dill and thyme)
1 tomato.
1 packet of ricotta and spinach tortellini
2 tablespoons of canned coconut milk
Fresh mint leaves
Chopped red chili
Chop the onion and aubergine. Fry in a pan with a little bit of olive oil. Add the chopped tomato and 1/2 sachet of spices.
Cook the tortellini following the package instructions.
Place the pasta as a base, add the aubergines on top and then add the coconut milk.
To garnish, add some mint, cilantro and as much child as you want.
Have fun and keep fooding!