Medieval Fair: Don’t break character and eat like they did back in the Middle Ages

I am fascinated by how they sell anything that is handmade (not always, though) even if it is an iPad case made of plastic. So decadent. I love it. One thing that never fails is the abundance of food and drinks. The more, the merrier. And that’s what I truly love about Medieval fair in Coruña.

It is celebrated around the 24th of July each year, and if I’m in town, I never miss it. After all these years it seems like it’s always the same: Same kind of stalls selling the same things year after year. Appart from the artisan shops and activities for children’s, there’s food and drink stalls. When you want ready made food, there’s basically 5 types: Kebabs, traditional Spanish food, “Bollos Preñaos” & Pizza, Crêpes and bakery stalls (they usually sell Galician pies, pastry and bread). The curious thing about them is that there’s two or three of each…I’ve always found that a bit weird, I’d love some tacos once in a while. I know they don’t look cool in a Medieval environment but, you know, neither does many of the things there. I’m just saying.

Anyway, appart from all the inconsistencies, I love going every year. It might be because when I was younger I lived two steps from it with my parents and it was a crime not to go for a walk around the fair. My grandparents live just where one of the entrances is, so I could almost see it through the window. I always call my parents and go grab a bite with them. It’s like being a child again.
This year we went for a kebab and some beer because they had a nice place to seat and we were able to talk and rest for a while.
I normally dig on the “Bollos Preñaos”, though. The exact translation for them would be “Prego Buns” Why? You may ask. Well, It is basically bread with a chorizo sausage inside, so they look like pregnant buns.

I sometimes do them at home, and my mum used to do them as well. You can use any type of sausage, if you fancy, add some cheese. Try and change the filling. Add whatever you are craving at the moment (like nutella). The good thing about the ones in the fair is that they are made in a wood oven and the taste is completly different from what you get from an electric oven, of course.
Crêpes are a must too. This year I went for a sweet one with coconut and chocolate. They forgot to add the coconut, but they kindly offered me another one for free… I had to forgive them, of course. They taste great because it is all done just in front of your eyes, piping hot from the crêpe maker.

The decoration in some of the stalls is really nice. My particular favourites are these lanterns in the kebab place we had dinner.
I noticed they tried to sell mead by saying it was the drink from Game of Thrones TV series…as if we need fiction for noticing mead! I mean, I’ve already tried and made my own one a couple of years ago. But I’m kind of into all those fantasy books where they drink mead since I was a chubby kid.
My own mead, was it good? Yes, it was. It didn’t last long, though.
One thing that I never miss is the honey stall. They sell every kind of honey-related product. From candles to beauty products and many types of honey. My favourite is eucalyptus. I always take honeycomb home. It reminds me to when my grandfather had bees and I took some without him “noticing” and ate it till the wax became a chewing gum in my mouth.
I love making toast with cream cheese and honeycomb. Probably one of the best breakfast I’ll ever have.

And that’s pretty much it… Looking forward to see if they have tacos next year