Avocado Toast
I did this recipe for breakast, but these four different ways to combine avocados on a toast can be enjoyed any time of the day. Also, if you do smaller portions, they are perfect for a party.
They are vegan and raw, so they will be perfect if you have guests. Also, if you use cornbread, they are gluten-free!
Avocado & Walnuts
1/2 avocado
1 scallion halved
1 dash of salt
1 splash of lime juice
1 splash of olive oil (optional)
1/2 mini red pepper (sweet or spicy)
A couple of small cucumber slices (take the beginning of the cucumber, for instance)
2 walnuts
1 toast (choose any nice bread)
Combine avocado with salt, lime juice anda bit of olive oil.
Display the rest of the ingredients in any way you like.
Avocado & Strawberries
1/2 avocado
4 strawberries
1 shot glass of walnut milk
Honey (optional)
1 toast
Make avocado balls with the help of a ball maker or a spoon
Place on the toast
Purée the strawberries and set aside half. Put the other half on top of the avocado.
Add the walnut milk to the other half and again it goes on top of the avocado.
Add some shelled pistacchios and honey if you like it sweet
Avocado & Black Salt
Simply cut 1/2 avocado in horizontal slices and top with black salt and crushed chilli flakes. Add some lime juice and olive oil if you wish. If you like the texture of avocado on its own, you won’t even need that.
Avocado, Orange & Raspberries
Cut the half avocado in vertical slices. Top with mini wedges of orange and some raspberries. Again, if you like it sweet, add a bit of honey or caramel.
These are perfect for the hot weather, for parties, for your breakfast or any time you’re craving avocado. I love how colourful they look all together, that’s why I make them to start my day. Rosé wine goes great with these recipes. Have fun!